Diamond Cut: Book Three in The Glass Complex Trilogy Read online

Page 6

  “You don’t know the truth—”

  The wave of evil hit Steg like an avalanche of pain. He staggered and stood against the agony. Boston grabbed his shoulder.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Oh,” Steg said. “That was—ugh—Xesset. There’s a Xesset force preparing to attack—that was one of their scouts. We need to deal with this ImpSec incursion as quickly as we can.”



  RIDDELL and his marines released the other imprisoned officers, fourteen in total, and handed them weapons captured from the guards. Steg addressed the small group; he needed them to recover their equilibrium as quickly as possible. Not only were they suffering from their capture and imprisonment by ImpSec, but also they were surprised, if not shocked, at Steg’s re-appearance. Steg didn’t explain his history; he lacked time for niceties.

  He said, “General Boston, all of you, listen to me. I’m the commander of a task force consisting of Homeworld and Djiis warships. There’s an alien force approaching our section of space, and we need to prepare for massive attacks. They’re planning to destroy our civilization. We’ve taken over the five ImpSec destroyers in orbit here, and your dreadnought is in a degrading orbit. Also, we have a superdreadnought supporting us. If need be, we could destroy this base in minutes. Time is running against us. A quick vote: do we evacuate by portal and have my starship take out the base, or do we arrest the ImpSec officers leading this affair and work from there?”

  “Not sure it’s a vote,” said Boston. “The ImpSec officers have committed crimes against the Empire. I want to see justice done.”

  “General, I understand. However, I’ll make no guarantees that there’ll be survivors. My company consists of professionals, and they are competent. Attempts to fight us will be met with deadly force.”

  “Agreed,” Boston said. “We’re outnumbered. I’ll authorize you to arrest the ImpSec officers.”

  Steg noted the approving expression on Riddell’s face. The Ebony Company sergeant also wanted this action ended as quickly as possible.

  “General, our starship AI has locked the doors of each facility in the officers’ quarters. We’ve cut their communications. Their men are locked in. I want ImpSec to realize we have overwhelming force, so we’ll hit and destroy a couple of unoccupied buildings. That way they’ll understand we’re in control.”

  Some of the officers looked shocked when Steg said he would destroy parts of the IIS base. Boston held up his hand to stop their protests, saying, “Try to leave something standing, Steg. Please.”

  Steg connected to Wanderer. “Ioke, you heard. The targets are buildings 3B and 4B on the base map, immediately adjacent to the ImpSec officers’ location. I want the two buildings gone. Use a rail gun. We’re in the detention center, so make sure your aim is accurate. When you finish firing, give me a link to the ImpSec senior officer.”

  Ioke said, “Order received, Admiral. Two buildings going down. One shell each. We’ll use tiny ones. There will be some shock waves. Shelter as you can.”

  Steg ignored the startled expressions at the mention of his rank. He announced to both Ebony Company and the group of Imperial officers, “Take shelter. Incoming in five.”

  Everyone dropped to the floor, avoiding windows and doors. Steg silently counted down. The floor shook, and dust and debris fell from the ceiling. A door exploded inwards, and the splintered fragments were caught in its distended frame. The flash of explosions lit the night. A second later, another shock wave followed the first.

  Steg spoke into his comunit, “Group Commander Marius. I am Admiral de Coeur. Your destroyers are under my command. Your men are all confined to quarters. You are locked inside your quarters. I want your surrender, or we’ll use deadly force to eliminate you and your fellow officers.”

  A voice spluttered back. “What—who the hell do you think you are? I’ll have you know I’m a senior ImpSec officer. Surrender to me, and I might see a way to pardon you. That is, after about twenty years imprisonment.”

  “Ioke, open a channel to the first destroyer.” He knew the AI would connect him to the starship that was under Zhu’s control. “I think the captain’s name is Desmond. Link him with me and the ImpSec group commander.”

  A handful of seconds later, an irate voice asked, “Admiral who? What the hell do you want?”

  “Captain Desmond, you no longer control your destroyer. We’re altering its course away from Jochum II. Please confirm your status to your group commander.”

  “Marius, I don’t know what you’ve started. I have no control whatsoever. My bridge is locked out, likewise engineering. None of our workstations are accessible. My crew members are locked in their cabins. We’re unable to reach the shuttles. Apart from this communication, I’ve been unable to link to anyone. My destroyer’s accelerating away from the planet. I have no idea where it’s headed.”

  “Ioke, cut the link,” Steg directed the AI. “Marius, do you want to hear from each of your destroyers? Take my word: I control them all.”

  “That’s impossible. Who the frek do you think you are, taking on ImpSec?”

  “Oh, you didn’t hear my name? Steg de Coeur. Admiral of the combined Homeworld and Djiis task force.”

  “Steg—damn you, de Coeur. I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

  “I don’t think you won that battle. By the way, how’s your injury? Does it still ache?” Steg knew he was stirring the ImpSec officer into anger; it was irresistible revenge.

  There was an explosion of cursing and threats from the ImpSec officer. Steg said to Riddell, “Take twenty marines and form a perimeter around the building the officers are occupying. Keep them sheltered in case there’s flying debris. I’m going to destroy the room in the far corner of their building. The shock wave might open up an exit, so in case—”

  “Yes, sir. Velez, Cerpio. Select your marines. Ten each. Come on, move.”

  “I’ll keep you linked in,” Steg said as Riddell and his force exited the detention center.

  Steg waited for a minute before he interrupted the flow of curses from the ImpSec officer. “Marius, you and your officers are in illegal occupation of an Imperial base. I’ve been authorized by General Boston to recover the base and arrest the offenders—that’s you and your fellow officers. You’ve experienced the results of our brute force. Now I’ll demonstrate our ability for precision. There’s an officers’ lounge in the far corner of the building that you currently occupy. Ioke, use one of your smaller shells. I want that room destroyed. I don’t mind if the rest of the building is damaged. Marius, I hope you and your fellow officers survive. Five seconds.”

  The shock wave was not as forceful as the first, however, Steg suspected it had destroyed the target. He addressed General Boston. “Sir, let’s see the result. Come with me.”

  He led the way to the damaged building. Ioke’s targeting had been extremely precise. The shell had landed at the corner as he had requested, and the impact had blown away the exterior walls of the lounge; all that was left were small splinters and fragments of stone from the foundations. Rooms adjacent to the corner lounge were showing substantial damage.

  Riddell and his marines were in position, but there were no signs of ImpSec officers attempting to exit the ruins.

  “I’ve not seen this degree of accuracy before,” commented Boston as he surveyed the remnants of the first two building and the devastated corner of the third building. Wisps of smoke and the occasional flare of flames added to the overall impression of disaster.

  “Ioke, well done. You have excelled yourself,” said Steg.

  “Thank you, Admiral. Let me know if you need more examples.”

  “I’ll do that. Let me see if Marius is willing to surrender. Alke, link, please.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Marius, surrender now, or I’ll repeat the last shot, except the target will be your quarters. Marius?”

  There was a groan followed by some more cursing.
  Steg said, “Marius, do you want more demonstrations? I’ll give you thirty seconds to surrender. Ioke, thirty seconds on my mark. Counting now.” Everyone could hear Ioke counting down the seconds in the background.

  “Damn you, de Coeur. I think my arm’s broken and I have injured officers. Very well, we’ll surrender. I’ll have my revenge; I promise you.”

  “Exit through the main doors and assemble in front of the building. If you or any of your officers attempts to use a weapon, you’ll be shot without further warning. Once you are assembled, my marines will search for survivors. Any attempt or any action against my marines will be met with deadly force. I won’t guarantee anyone’s survival in that event, understand?”

  “Yes, yes. We understand. I’m coming out. I’ve instructed my officers to follow.”

  Steg turned to Boston. “Well, we caused some destruction; however, most of your base is intact. My marines were not hurt or killed, which is the right answer for me. We’ll help you arrest the senior ImpSec officers, and you can detain the rest of their force after we leave. I think it should be a relatively straightforward task.”

  “Steg, even though there are fewer buildings standing, I must say, well done,” Boston said. “I’m in your debt.”

  “I know. I have a favor to ask.” Steg was aware his request might not meet with the general’s immediate approval.

  “Yes?” The reply was drawn out.

  “I want to meet with the Emperor.”

  “I’m not sure—”

  “General, I’ve added five ImpSec destroyers to my task force, whether you, ImpSec, or the Emperor like it or not. I’m tempted to add your dreadnought, although I understand it would need a complete refit before it could be put into service.” Steg didn’t mention that he lacked the crews for the starships and he wouldn’t even consider the dreadnought. “I’m sure the Emperor would like to hear personally from me why he’s lost five starships.”

  The sense of evil was stronger than before. Steg fought to remain upright as the pressure built.

  Boston said, “While I know the destroyers were under ImpSec control, they’re still Imperial property, and I doubt the Emperor—”

  “Boston, we’ve—that is, Djiis and Homeworld—I told you, we’ve formed a task force to fight the Xesset. I can detect them. You know the damage they did to Djii and the people. The alien forces are growing. It’s not only the Western Star Empire that’s at risk. I know they’re planning to attack independent systems, Alliance space—they don’t care whether their victims are human or alien.” He shrugged. “We need resources—warships and crew. I’ve taken control of the five destroyers, and I’ll discuss our crew and other needs with the Emperor. It’s critical that I meet him and enlist his support. You owe me, for pulling you out of this hole.”

  Boston said, “Hmm. I’m sure he’ll want to discuss this ImpSec attack with you. I’ll arrange a meeting as soon as we’ve detained all the ImpSec personnel.”

  “I can’t wait that long. I’m ready to leave, now. I can’t wait a tenday or more for you. The ImpSec prisoners are your responsibility. Shuttle them from each destroyer to the dreadnought. It won’t be going anywhere, and its weapons are locked down. You can place your prisoners in a temporary section until they are transferred to prison.” It could take a two or even three tendays for Boston to move crew and ImpSec personnel from all the destroyers. “Set up the meeting. I’ll take Denke with me.”

  “What about the destroyers? Are they remaining here?”

  “No. As each destroyer is emptied of ImpSec personnel and crew, it will jump out of this system. Don’t try to take control; the AIs will regard the attempt as a hostile act.” Steg realized he had to let Tziksis know he’d be receiving four of the destroyers; otherwise, their arrival at Djii would create minor chaos. He planned to have the fifth destroyer, the starship controlled by Zhu, accompany them to Eirie System where the Imperial Palace was located. He reminded himself also to send a message to his cousin Rakyd. Homeworld might be able to help with more crew.

  Boston shook his head and sighed. “You’re right. We’ll take at least two days to empty each starship. Let me send some messages and a report.”



  STEG INCLUDED Denke in the next strategy meeting. Dr. Yi and her team had re-examined and re-dressed the colonel’s broken leg once he was on board. Steg had used Red Desert for his return to their starship. Boston had decided the portals should not be used while ImpSec personnel were in the Jochum II system, even if they were restrained and detained.

  Denke did not hide his surprise at the size of the starship when he accompanied Steg to the meeting. “You could carry thousands—tens of thousands—in this ship,” he commented as they sat at the conference table.

  “We currently have accommodation prepared for only a thousand personnel. We’d need to create additional facilities if Wanderer were to carry more,” Alke said. The AI holograms had formed at the end of the conference room.

  Steg introduced the colonel, “Alke, meet Denke. Denke, Alke is the master AI. We also have Ioke and Adrias who each report to Alke.”

  “Alke, I look forward to working with you.” Denke turned to Steg. “Three AIs?”

  “Ioke is the war master. She has control of every task and facility required to attack and defend us, and will support fleet tactics. You saw the results of her work.”

  “I can demonstrate some more if you want,” said Ioke. Steg thought she had a twinkle in her eye.

  “Um—I think I have the idea. I don’t want any more of our buildings wrecked.”

  “I’m Adrias. I’ll look after your comfort while you’re on board Wanderer.”

  “Thank you, Adrias.”

  “Everyone, this is Colonel Denke. We’ve worked together on a number of ventures, one of which was capturing a Xesset starship. Now, a quick update: General Boston sent a message and a report to the Emperor, who replied that he’s willing to meet with me and Denke. We’re heading to Imperial Military Headquarters.”

  Steg described each person seated at the table. “Kirby is in command of Ebony Company. Thomas Sullivan is captain of Wanderer. Finch helps to keep us grounded and shoots the occasional bad guy; she is deadly with a Gauss. Jessie Brent is our Tac commander. She was given leave of absence by her Alliance Navy skipper and provides strategic and tactical guidance to our deliberations. Stacia and Tessa, and Dr. Yi, you’ve already met.”

  When the group greetings were complete, Steg said, “We need to focus on our meeting with the Emperor. We’ve met before, in friendly circumstances. I’m not sure what his reactions will be this time. He may be upset with the loss of five starships. We’ll see.”

  “What if he arrests you?” asked Jessie.

  “That risk is for discussion. I’ll be representing Homeworld as ambassador-elect in addition to my role as admiral for the task force. The Emperor should be reluctant to arrest me. Jessie, I want to take you and Finch to the meeting as my entourage.”

  “Why not some of my marines?” questioned Kirby.

  “We can’t go in heavy-handed. Although, if you can spare Sergeant Velez, I’ll add her to my escort.”

  “That’s a start,” acknowledged Kirby.

  Steg continued, “We can’t carry weapons into the presence of the Emperor. If I recall correctly, there are two checkpoints.” He turned to Denke. “Is that still the case?”

  “As far as I know, yes, there are two, visible and manned. There are others, hidden, with weapon detectors and identity validation systems. So, we need to leave our weapons behind,” confirmed the colonel.

  “Good. Not that we want to carry them, anyway.”

  “Sir, we need some defensive equipment,” Jessie said. “What happens if an ImpSec squad is there and decides to take you out?”

  “That’s what we need to plan for.”

  Wanderer, fully shielded, slowly moved into position. It had arrived in the Eirie System, home to Imperial Military Headq
uarters, an hour or so earlier. The huge starship was half a million klicks from the military way station that held position above the Imperial Palace. The station, the palace, and adjacent buildings were all armored and armed. Detection of an unknown warship would release multiple defensive actions. Two small moons, also with defensive weapons installations, provided fixed support for a small fleet of destroyers that orbited like aggressive sharks, hungry for prey. Dreamer, with Thomas Sullivan in command, had exited Wanderer even further from the planet and now was heading to the way station. Aadan was at the helm and was following the military traffic controller’s prescribed course with utmost care. The controller had threatened destruction if the small starship deviated for any reason.

  Docking was straightforward. No one was allowed to disembark from Dreamer until a military escort arrived to take them to the shuttle that would transport them to the presidential palace. Steg, wearing his official admiral’s uniform, reached Dreamer’s exit lock a minute or two in advance of his escorts. Sergeant Velez was the first to arrive, followed by Finch and Jessie Brent. Steg, with a theatrical gesture, rubbed his eyes. His escort wore dresses, finely tailored, with ample bosoms and long legs on display. Sergeant Velez had added a multi-stone necklace; Jessie had elaborate jewelry consisting of woven gold strings around her waist, and her hands and forearms were covered by long white gloves, while Finch wore a glittering headdress with a large jewel in the center of her forehead.

  He said, “Are you sure you all want to wear dresses instead of your uniforms?”

  Finch posed and said, “Why, sir, are our long legs too much for you to cope with?”

  “I’m worried about the Emperor’s health. The shock may be more than he can—um—handle.”

  “Sir, I’m sure he’ll survive.” Finch was carrying a multi-colored bundle, and she shook it out. “This might be the piece de resistance, though. It’s your cloak.”